The Port of Zeebrugge, a leading hyper-modern port in Europe

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The website of the Port of Zeebrugge, Belgium, can be viewed in Dutch and in English. You can find maps, videos, pictures and figures. Watch the Port Film to see how a hyper-modern and gigantic worldscale container-ship port works. Take a look at the port structure map to locate different functional areas. Use the pictures of the terminals to carry out landscape analysis. Hinterland connections will help you understand the part this port plays in European trade. From the Modal Split section, you will learn what a multimodal platform is. In the Traffics section, find out what roro, the principal traffic in Zeebrugge, is. In the Car Logistics section, see how new cars are handled in the port: not only loaded and unloaded but also washed, checked for technical defects and added with options. Discover port expansion and diversification schemes: Zeebrugge's ambition for the future is to manage a growing container traffic and become and all-round port and a food port.

The lesson in French.

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